Monday, May 26, 2008

What Princess Am I?

My friend Sara had this on her blog . . . I thought it was kinda fun, so I took the quiz. Turns out that I'm most like Aurora, better known as sleeping beauty . . . works out kinda cool as she's my favorite princess!

Thoughtful and loving. Authority figures probably have been sheltering you all of your life. Thankfully you're a very tranquil person who is content with what life has given you, but secretly you want to know how the outside world works.
Here's the website if you'd like to check it out. . .

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Pampered Dropout

Well, the other day I got my hair done for the first time in six months. I just put blonde highlights in it and had them put some swoopy bangs and layers in it. It turned out pretty cute. I also had a pedicure done for the first time--awesome! I would recommend it to anyone!

I also did not end up running the triathalon yesterday. Travis had a search and rescue meeting so he dropped out months ago . . . well after that I got a little lazy and didn't keep up on my workouts. I wasn't in good enough shape to do it, so I dropped out about a week ago. Maybe I'll try doing a different one next fall. We'll just have to see. It was a good motivator to go workout until I decided hanging out with Travis was lots more fun!

Otherwise life is pretty boring . . . same old same old!