Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Purple Heart

I had a friend tell me that she felt this was her purple heart after chemo. I liked that, so I'm stealing it. This is my chemo port that has been sitting just under my left collar bone for 4 months. It was the mode of delivery for the nasty drugs and the way that they drew my blood each week. Having it out symbolizes so much for me. It symbolizes months of a hard fight, a fight that for now I have won. A win full of lessons learned, strength tested, and courage gained. One that earned me a purple heart.


Stacey said...

Oh BreeAnne! I'm so happy for you! I cannot imagine the struggle you've gone through. Thank you for sharing your experiences and feelings. Congratulations!

Miss Nelson said...

This post is so beautiful! I'm just SO happy for you and Trav!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

So happy for you!! And what a fine example you are to the rest of us of bravery and a positive attitude. Thank you for sharing your amazing faith with us.

Jana said...

I'm so so happy for you!