Monday, March 31, 2008

Can You Tell We Had Fun This Weekend?

Well, the picture doesn't do the sunburns justice, but both Trav and I have serious raccoon eyes......but they aren't just sunglass raccoon eyes they are goggle raccoon eyes!

We had an awesome day on Saturday. I finally got Travis off of his snowboard and onto skis again (for the first time in 11 years!) so we could go to Deer Valley Ski Resort. I had a patient of mine that works there and she gave me two free passes (yeah, it pays to have connections!). This resort is absolutely amazing. The views were gorgeous, there were absolutely no lines, there were more lifts than one could count, and the snow was fabulous! Not only did we get to ski this incredible resort, but we got to watch the US National Freestyle Mogul Championships. It was pretty freakin' cool. The jumps were awesome, and so were some of the falls. Luckily no one got hurt, and we had a blast.
Unfortunately, neither Travis or I even thought of sunscreen, so we both came home with our beautiful sunburns. What you can't see in the picture is that we are both already peeling, and that my nose has an actual blister on it! I've never burned myself to the point of blistering . . . I guess there is a first for everything. Maybe I'll learn my lesson this time.


Jenny said...

I have blistered my skin so many times it is not even funny. It is that red head freckled fair skin that I have. Sounds like you guys had a riot.

Stacy said...

That sounds like so much fun!! I bet it was fun to be together with your hubby, on a little trip! I am glad to hear that everything is going well for you guys!