Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012: My Year of Beautiful Heartbreak

This year, the "new year" held so much more meaning for me. As the clock hit midnight and I kissed my sweetheart, it was bitter sweet to say to goodbye to 2011. 2012 holds so much for me, some of which I'm afraid to face. As tears began streaming down my cheeks, it took me a minute to realize how much I had pushed off dealing with my disease. I'd mentally compartmentalized it into next year....next year I would have surgery, next year I'd have chemo, next year I'd lose my hair, next year this was all going to happen. And now, it's next year. It is here. I think partly, I had to push things off in order to enjoy the holidays, but boy it hit me hard on New Years. This year is going to be tough. Then, we found this song.....I hope I enjoy the view.......